I enjoyed so much doing this cake......I sememangnya love do figurines so bila dpt this order suka giler.....thanks Kak Rohani....
Ini feedbacknya :
from Erwan ayah nya Husna :
Hi Idah, thank you very much for the beautiful creation. A lot of our guests love your cake and have very good comments. Ani says it is well crafted, my children like it and my ah boy took the treasure chest all for his own. haha! Thumbs up for your biznes!!
yg ni pula dari ibunya :
Hi Edah, smlm penat sgt nak komen.Niwaes, thankyou so much for your lovely cake.It became quite a sensation amongst parents who came.They commented on the details you made on the cake and of course the taste.They liked that its MOIST and ta...sty, with good balance of cake on the inside and cream on the outside.I am glad that I put my trust in you to create something so wonderful that both adults and kids enjoy.Thank you so much sis :))
March 6 at 9:47am